Thursday, April 14, 2011

What A Day!

Yesterday was such a great day for my girls.  Caroline lost her very first tooth and Makenzie has been released from care from her urologist after 3 1/2 years of surgeries, countless appointments and ultrasounds.  God is good.   We have been blessed with such wonderful care from Makenzie's doctor, Dr. Martin Keafer.  He is so intelligent, caring and down to earth.  He really cares about the well being of your children, not just the medical aspect of the child's illiness.  I know there are a lot of other children out there with worse cases than Makenzie's, but just thankful for a great outcome yesterday.  I wish everyone could have a doctor like Dr. Kaefer. 

Caroline's tooth was really ready to come out Tuesday night. 
She asked Roy to pull it which I can't believe.  According to my parents,
Caroline is a lot like me when I was little.  But I can tell you , I would have never
asked my dad to pull my tooth.  Too chicken and I didn't want it to hurt. 
Roy tried as best he could, but he just couldn't do it.

Lookie there... Miss Caroline woke up Wedneday morning, poked her tongue
 on her tooth and there it went.  She was so excited.  Mauw (aka grandma) was here to see the whole thing. 
It was like Christmas morning.  Caroline was so gidding and excited.  I can't blame her, it's a big
thing to loose your first tooth.  Makes me sad though.  My first born has lost her first baby tooth.  :(

Here she is putting her tooth box with her tooth in it, under her pillow for the tooth fairy.

Mauw has worked for a pediatric dentist for more than 30 years and she knows the tooth fairy personally.  Really she does.  :)   Caroline had a lot of questions for Mauw.  Like, where does she live and how does she get in the house?  All good questions.  She lives at the dentist office and she uses pixie dust to fly through the house.  The tooth fairy left Caroline some new markers which she was very excited about.

Yesterday, Makenzie also had her spring musical at preschool.  She did a wonderful job.  She is such a performer and has no fear about being in front of everyone.  I will post the video soon.

1 comment:

Christine said...

I am SO happy that Kensie has been released!!! I can't imagine what an amazing feeling that must be; you have been through so much!
I love that the TF left Caroline markers instead of just money; she's a very creative lady:)