Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Three stomachs

Caroline has developed a love for Minute Maid Limeade. She loves it even though she says it has a sour taste sometimes. I think it if funny that she loves this beverage because I craved it during my pregnancy with her. Funny how things work, isn't it?
Anyway... she was drinking some Limeade today and got choked a little. I asked her if she was okay and needed me to pat her on the back and she said...
"No, Mommy I am fine. It just went down to the wrong stomach."
"It did? How did that happen?"
"I swallowed and it went to my three stomachs instead of just my one stomach. "
"Okay honey."
I wasn't sure how to reply.
Kids say the darnest things.


Carrie said...

Oh, she is so funny :) I wish I had three stomachs, so there was extra room for all the food I eat! LOL! {Glad I can comment again!}

Carrie said...

Aubrey, I've tagged you...if you want to play along...have fun! :)