Thursday, May 14, 2009

Funny Things Kids Say

I love to hear some of the funny things our kids say to us. You just have to wonder where they come up with such insight for being such tiny little people. I have noticed that Caroline is really aware of her surroundings and tends to really focus on what is happening or what people are saying. She soaks it all in and doesn't say much but a few days later she will tell me the funniest story or ask me a question about something we had seen days earlier. Of course, sometimes I have no clue what she is talking about. I can hardly remember 15 minutes ago.

Here are just a few of the things she has said or asked me in the past few days.

"Mommy, why are they putting clouds up in the sky?"
Here is where I was totally clueless. On Tuesday's and Thursday's when I drive Caroline to preschool we pass a row of smokestacks that are usually emitting smoke (is that right?) into the air. I don't pay much attention to this, but Caroline does. She thought they were making clouds and putting them in the sky. How cute is that?

"Mommy, why does he call it a tissuechief?"
We were reading a story about a dinosaur who has lost his blanket (he calls it a binkit). Towards the end of the story the dinosaur is crying because he can't find his binkit still and a little boy comes up and asks if he needs a hankerchief. The hankerchief ends up being the dinosaur's binkit and he is so happy. When we were done reading Caroline wanted to know why he needed a tissuechief and I just busted out laughing. She had the right idea didn't she?

"Daddy & Mommy can you watch an eye on my doll for me?"
This one had both Roy and I laughing. At first I couldn't quite understand what she wanted us to do. Then Roy said, "She wants us to keep an eye on her doll for her." Oh, okay.

I have to write these little gems down or I will forget them. I can't wait until she is older and mommy can tease her about all her little funny's she used to say.


Carrie said...

those are so sweet! I love the clouds in the sky! I always forget what Alex & Emily say, but I wish I would've written them down! Right now, Emily says "it was an askident" instead of accident! ha ha!

Carmom said...

I also love the clouds in the sky. How cute is that! It is funny all the things kids think and say. I have several that I have been saving up and will have to post soon.