Thursday, February 19, 2009


The dictionary describes sisters as being a female of the same kind. Interesting to me because why yes they both may be female but to me they definitely are not the same kind. I remember when I found out I was having another girl, I would lay in bed at night (not being able to sleep of course) and dream about my two little girls playing together, sharing their toys, and sweetly hugging and kissing each other every chance they got. Okay, I have maybe seen this a handful of times but I have to remember they are still young yet. My two girls are as different as night and day, black and white and don't mix sometimes like oil and water.
I love them both for their differences and they are both unique in their own ways. Makenzie is my climber and Caroline was always happy to sit in my lap. Makenize won't sit still to have a book read to her, Caroline would read books all day if we could. Caroline does not like to help clean up and Makenzie loves it. One loves strawberries and the other won't touch them with a 10-foot pole. They both have a sweet tooth like their mommy, they love movies, playing outside and rough housing with their daddy. They are both huggers and kissers and I LOVE that. There is nothing better than a neck hug and kiss from your babies, especially the ones that are unexpected.
I love capturing the fun moments as sisters and I can't wait for the day when they declare themselves the best of friends. The picture above is of the girls playing Polly Pockets together at our dining room table. It warmed my heart to hear Caroline explain to Makenzie how the little dolls fit into the car and that the little animals needed to go to the vet for a check-up and Makenzie just played right along.
I know that right now as they are young, they fight and tattle on eachother, but I know they love each other very much. These days won't be here forever and I want them to cherish every moment together as I do. I love you both!!

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