Monday, June 29, 2009

Oh, the fun we had

Returned home from our recent family vacation to discover that our utility room had a leak - a major leak. Half of our computer/play room carpet was soaked. This room backs up against the utility room, so thankfully only half of the carpet was ruined. Roy was able to save the carpet, but he had to rip up the pad and now we are drying out the wood to hopefully save it from being replaced. We have a call in to get the leak fixed and the carpet pad replaced. Wow- what a surprise to come home to. I am hoping we can have this all fixed before I have my Mops family over for a bike parade this week. Thankfully we will be outside, but it still is kind of an inconvenience.
Anyway enough about that. Our trip to Gatlinburg was great. (Pictures to come later- I am borrowing Roy's work laptop to blog right now since our computer is not accessible because of the water leak) We did the little town of Gatlinburg on Monday. We shopped, road the tram at Ober Gatlinburg, ate at the Bubba Gump Shrimp restaurant, did the Ripley's Aquarium and shopped some more. The aquarium was awesome, one of the best I have been to. On Tuesday, my mom, Makenzie and I did the outlet mall while Roy and Caroline stayed back at the cabin to do some fishing. My big girl caught a fish. She was so proud. They used hot dogs as bait. Who would have thought a fish would like hot dogs? Apparently down south they do. :) Later that afternoon we headed to Dollywood's Splash Country. What a great water park! We ended up returning the next day as well. If you see Roy soon, you will have to ask him about Makenzie's blow out in the baby pool. I guess it wasn't pretty. Mommy was riding the waves in the lazy river - oops. Sorry daddy!! On our last day, we went to the Smoky Mountains. We drove the 11 mile loop around Cade's Cove. If you ever have the chance to do this, you should. It is so beautiful. It is amazing to see God's work and beauty everywhere you look.
I probably won't be able to post again until the end of the week. I will be posting pictures from our trip as well as pictures from A Day Out with Thomas the Train. My wonderful mother-in-law treated all of her grandchildren to a train ride on Thomas on Saturday. It was so fun but a little HOT.
Have a great week everyone.


Anonymous said...

Hwo could you forget about the gravel road???????

Heart you,


Anonymous said...


I guess I can't spell...
How could you forget about the gravel road??????



Carmom said...

I love the Smokies! And being from Tennessee I should. Cades Cove is great. Everytime we make it to Knoxville I always try to get to the Smokies for a little while. I am so glad you all had fun in our old stomping grounds.