Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Few Random Crazy Things About Me

Everyone has quirks right? According to my husband, I have many, so I thought I would share a few with you and get your opinion.

1. I can't stand hunks of meat. This means I won't eat meatloaf, meatballs, any kind of meat concoction that is formed into a ball or loaf. This also means I won't touch any raw meat to be formed into a ball either. I actually can't stand the word loaf - it's kinda gross.

2. Up until the last 10 years or so, I didn't eat tomatoes. Couldn't stand them. I actually really like them now, but not hot or mixed up in any kind of stew, chili, etc...

3. I can't cook bacon. Yes, probably the most basic food you could fix and I usually burn it. And... I always hate how when you peel the bacon off to cook it, it always stretches into about a foot long piece. Does this happen to anyone but me?

4. I always flush the toilet with my foot (except at home of course).

5. I clean my ears everyday.

6. I don't like being late. I actually leave to take Caroline to preschool a 1/2 hr early, just to get a parking space. (that place is a mad house)

7. I love my house to be clean and tidy, but don't really care what the inside of my van looks like.

8. I call my husband "Boy" and he calls me "Girl".

9. I can remember faces, and almost every one's children's names but not the name of their mother. This isn't so good since I am the coordinator of a local Mops group.

10. I am turning 36 in a week, and still feel like I am in my twenties. (I hope I don't act like it - heaven help me)

11. My two closest and oldest friends I met working at McDonald's 19 years ago. We are still as close as we were back then. McDonalds was one of the best jobs I have ever had. Although, you couldn't pay me enough to work there now. What happened to customer service?

12. I love hanging out with my mom. I have always loved that my mom is every one's mom. All of my friends from high school and work loved her. I think some of the guys actually had a crush on her.

13. I don't like for people to touch my neck. It freaks me out.

14. I like to be called Aub.

15. The girls and I love dancing in the living room to Taylor Swift and Brad Paisley. It's the only exercise I get these days.

There you have it. Just some crazy things about me.


Carmom said...

I don't think they are crazy. But I do have one question. Does #1 mean you don't like hamburgers? Just wondering.

Mauw said...
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Mauw said...

My favorite is #12!!!! Heart you.. You forgot to mention that you were probably 21 years old before you took any kind of medicine that wasn't in liquid form. I remember you chugging that bottle of pain medicine after you had your wisdom weeth removed.. Those were the days!
Tell Carmen you do eat hamburgers - they afe not officially "hunks or balls" of meat, they are patties. Big difference.

Unknown said...

Hey, Aub! It is funny how much we are alike! I cannot cook bacon either! I consider myself a good cook otherwise, but I just can't do bacon! If I need it for a recipe, I buy the stuff that's already cooked! I also hate being late, love hanging out w/my mom, and flush toilets w/my foot! Lol! And OMG, nothing, and I mean NOTHING freaks me out more than someone touching my neck!!! Eeek! My husband is not even allowed to touch it! :) I think you and I should have been sisters! I do, however, enjoy "hunks of meat"! Lol!