Saturday, February 21, 2009

Doing something right

Every night Roy and I take turns putting the girls to sleep. Each one of them has a routine - reading stories, singing, prayers and then good night hugs and kisses. It was my turn to put Caroline to bed this evening. She picks two stories each night and then we read a devotional just for preschoolers. We have done this for almost a year now and she really enjoys it, as do I. Tonight one of her books was a small bible she received when she was baptized. We read it often and she asks questions every now and then but I have always wondered if she understood. She looks at me tonight with the sweetest face and says...
"Mommy, Jesus was on the ground and he died on the cross and went way up high".
"Yes he did honey, he went to heaven to be with his Father".
"His daddy... and he loves him right"?
"Yes, very much".
This made my heart smile completely. I guess we are doing something right.
Good night my sweet babies, I love you.


Carrie said...

Aubrey, that melts my heart too! I wish that I was including more devotionals into our days, but I need some work on that! I left you a comment on my blog about the comment you made on Alex! I don't know the proper way to do that, but check there! I'll have to learn blog etiquette!

Carmom said...

Those Ahh, moments are always wonderful. You wonder if you are making a difference and then they say or do something which tells you that you are.